Area farmer Directs $2,500 donation to Main Street Texarkana


Main Street Texarkana has received a $2,500 donation from Miller County farmer Ronny Rogers and America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. The donation will help the organization further their mission of promoting and revitalizing downtown Texarkana while emphasizing the community’s strong relationship with agriculture.

“They are working hard to restore historical buildings in the community,” said Rogers. “It is a great organization that is close to my heart.”

According to a statement from Ina McDowell, Executive Director of Main Street Texarkana, the longstanding and strong relationship between farmers and Main Street Texarkana is vital to the community.

For five years, America’s Farmers Grow Communities has collaborated with farmers to donate over $16.5 million to over 7,300 community organizations across rural America. This year winning farmers will direct another $3.3 million to nonprofits to help fight rural hunger, purchase life saving fire and EMS equipment, support ag youth leadership programs, buy much needed classroom resources, and so much more.

America’s Farmers Grow Communities is part of the America’s Farmers initiative. Since 2010, the America’s Farmers campaign and programs have advocated on behalf of farmers and their efforts to meet society’s needs through agriculture. Today, consumers are more interested than ever in agriculture and how food is grown. Consider joining the conversation and helping to raise awareness about agriculture. Learn more at

A sister program in the America’s Farmers effort, Grow Rural Education, is currently in its farmer nomination phase. Farmers interested in supporting math and science education in their communities should visit from now through April 1 to learn how.

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