Citizens Leave in Anger as 5 of 7 Proposed Areas are Annexed

Citizens filled City Hall, City Council, to protest the annexation of property to the city. (Photo by Erin Rogers | TXK Today)

During a regularly scheduled meeting for the Texarkana, Texas, City Council on Monday, August 13, 2018, members of the council voted to annex 5 of the 7 proposed study areas.  

CIty Hall was filled to max occupancy, with citizens overflowing in the halls outdoor. Many holding signs in protest with the words, “NO FORCED ANNEXATION.”  

Citizens protest holding signs, “NO FORCED ANNEXATION.”
(Photo by Erin Rogers | TXK Today)

Areas 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 were annexed on Monday, while area 1 was not annexed and area 6 was postponed by Council member Jean Matlock, Ward 1.  As votes were cast, audible sighs of grief were muttered. One resident yelled, “I’ll see you in court,” as he left the building.

Citizens look on in concern as the council votes to annex property.
(Photo by Erin Rogers | TXK Today)

The City Planner, David Orr, presented the Council and citizens with information on benefits the residents would receive if annexed.  Among them are sewer, water, and fire services, as well as code enforcement and street maintenance. He explained that some people 65 and older are exempt from the mandate.


Residents in the study areas object to annexation because of the affect on their lifestyle, increase in taxes, mandate to connect to city services, and burning permits that cost $1,000 per burn.

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