Texas Game Wardens teaching hunter education class at Lake Wright Patman


Texas Game Wardens are teaching a hunters eduction class at Lake Wright Patman Saturday Feb. 25.

The class will be taught at Sportsman’s cove Lake Wright Patman from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are the follow up classes to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Home Study Course, which can be completed, online.

The classes are open to anyone 9 years of age or older. The cost is $15.00 per student certified.

To complete online portion of class go to tpwd.texas.gov then click on the hunting section. Then click on Hunters Education. Once on the hunter’s education site go to the home study course and complete the online portion.

The class will consist of an ethics trail, live fire with shotgun, a talk about game law and ethical hunting, and test.

A student must complete the online portion prior to the class. The space is limited to the first 60 students. Please sign up if interested. RSVP at Judge Spelling’s office (903) 585-5428

Bring to class pencil #2, completed quizzes, social security #, and appropriate clothes since class will be outside some of the time.

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