The City of Texarkana, Ark. Board of Directors set the fees for medical marijuana facilities at their Monday night meeting.
The ordinance passed with a unanimous vote by the Board, with Mayor Penney Bell pausing for around 10 seconds before voting yes. The ordinance passed with an emergency clause, allowing the board to conduct all three readings and vote and one meeting.
To sell medical marijuana in Texarkana, Ark. a business will have to acquire a $7,500 business license. That license will renew yearly at $11,250. A marijuana cultivation operation will require a $50,000 per year business permit.
We are leaders on this subject and setting the tone throughout the state, City Manager Dr. Kenny Haskins told the board.
An annual charge equal to 25 percent of a dispensary’s inventory was removed from the ordinance to make the city more competitive Haskins said.
Mayor Ruth Penney Bell said that she is conflicted but she is here to represent her city. “Years from now people will be saying ‘I told you so’ one way or another, and I pray we will be right.”
A second ordinance regulating zoning and signage of medical marijuana facilities also passed unanimously.
According to the ordinance signs may not contain any content that can reasonably be considered to target children such as: Cartoon characters; toys; animals; or similar images and items typically marketed towards children.
Facilities also may not be located within a thousand feet (1,000’) of the perimeter of a public or private school or daycare.