With students not heading back to school until the New Year, Just Love and Kindness, an organization out of Texarkana, will be hosting a Free Movie Day at Brighstar Theater, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 28th & 29th, for children and their parents. Featured movies will include: The Goonies, The Blindside, Jumanji and Freedom Writers.
The event will be free, and parents/students can bring their own snacks, but concessions will be provided throughout the event. In order to register for the event, simply scan the QR code below. There is reserved seating for 500, so be sure to snag your spot today. Parental registration before the event is required.
Just Love and Kindness is asking for volunteers for the event to help run concessions. If you are interested in volunteering send your information to info@justloveandkindess.org. Brightstar Theater is located at 2811 New Boston Road in the Oaklawn Village.