Texarkana Resident Receives Girl Scout Adult Award


One of the most prestigious annual awards given by Girl Scouts – Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas was bestowed on Texarkana resident Andréa Chewning, during the Girl Scouts – Diamonds recent Annual Meeting and Leadership Conference.

Chewning received the Thanks Badge, which honors individuals whose ongoing commitment, leadership and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout movement.

Over the last four years as Board Chair, she has led the Diamonds Council tirelessly, respectfully and as a Girl Scout with courage, confidence and character. Chewning has served in a variety of capacities with Girl Scout councils for years. She is a lifetime Girl Scout, participating from second grade through high school, and was a camp counselor at Camp High Point. Throughout her time as Board Chair, Chewning has been dedicated to the goal of helping girls become more confident and productive women. “Most of all, she is a woman who is truly a model of servant leadership,” says Girl Scouts – Diamonds CEO, Dawn Prasifka.

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