Heritage Home Health and Hospice hosted its first-ever Friendsgiving event yesterday at the Southwest Center.
The event was open to all Texarkana nursing facilities and featured food, games, and fellowship. In attendance were folks from several assisted living communities, local firefighters, Heritage helpers, and vendors providing senior information such as HealthCare Express, Visiting Angles, Kelli Ashbrook Insurance, Altzhimers Alliance, and East Funeral Home.

Kristy Minton from Heritage Home Health and Hospice said, “We are having this event for all our facilities here in Texarkana to have a Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving, so our residents can enjoy food, fellowship, and friends.”
Minton added that if anyone is interested in helping out with next year’s Friendsgiving event or any of the many activities at the nursing homes they can call Heritage Home Health and Hospice at 903.793.4900 and ask for Kristy. They are always looking for volunteers.

“This is the first-annual Friendsgiving celebration, and we hope to make it an annual event. It’s just a chance to get everyone together. A lot of our residents don’t have extended family to visit during the holiday season, so this gives them the ability to come out, get out of their rooms, see friends, meet new people, be a part of the community, eat, and maybe make up for some lost time from friends and family that they can’t see, or just have a good time before some leave for the holidays. We are happy to feed and entertain our guests,” said Heritage owner Blake Rich.