A Nash, Texas, man who broke into at least 13 vehicles in Texarkana, Ark., pleaded guilty Tuesday to 16 separate felonies.
Delma Jatavion Jefferson, 19, pleaded guilty to 3 counts of theft of property and 13 counts of breaking and entering Tuesday at a hearing before Miller County Circuit Judge Kirk Johnson. Two of the theft charges involve firearms stolen from cars while the third involves a stolen debit card. All of the crimes occurred Aug. 21 and Aug. 24.
Jefferson received six-year prison terms on each of the three theft charges and those sentences will run concurrently. On each of the 13 counts of breaking and entering, Jefferson received six-year suspended terms which will begin running concurrently after Jefferson is released from prison. If Jefferson violates the terms of his suspended sentence by committing a new offense, he could be ordered to serve up to six years in prison on each of the 13 counts.
Jefferson is also ordered to pay a $3,000 fine and various fees and court costs.
Jefferson also has legal difficulties in Bowie County, Texas. At the time of his arrest by the Texarkana, Ark., Police Department, Jefferson was on probation in Bowie County for evading arrest in a vehicle. Jefferson was placed on a five-year term of probation in Bowie County in June 2018. A warrant on a motion to revoke that probation is currently active.
Jefferson was represented Tuesday by Texarkana attorney Robert Witterstaetter. Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Chuck Black handled the case for Miller County.