Ally Evans, 10 years old, did what many dream about doing but never take the steps to complete. At this young age, she has written and published a children’s book.
Ally took a liking to writing in school and had written a few stories in her journal. She mentioned that it would be cool to write a book. “I thought it would be a fun project for us to work on as a family. Plus, it helps encourage her writing skills,” said her proud mom, Angela Evans. With her parents’ help, Ally is able to be an encouragement to both children and adults to take the steps to make their dreams come true.
It’s not only remarkable that at her age she has published works, but the lesson in the book she wrote is one that kids will use for a lifetime. The story of The Magic Leaf teaches children how to have a good day, no matter what the situation.
Ally will officially release her book to the public on May 11, 2019 at the Mom & Me Shimmer Tea held at the Hilton Convention Center from 11-2. You may purchase copies on the Barnes and Noble website. The direct link is;jsessionid=EE3C81D674890DC663D53816DE99CFFE.prodny_store01-atgap16?ean=9781987066470