Texarkana Texas City Council will accept letters of intent and applications from residents interested in serving as Ward 4 Council member. Dr. Brian Matthews’ has served as Ward 4 Council member for the past five years, but the seat was vacated when Matthews moved from the ward recently.
The City Council will consider appointing a Ward 4 resident, who is a registered voter and otherwise fully qualified, to serve the remaining unexpired term that will end in November 2018. Applications for residents in Ward 4 that are interested in filling the vacant position will be accepted by City Secretary Jennifer Evans until 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 4, 2017. Applications can be accessed on the city’s website at http://www.ci.texarkana.tx.us/171/City-Council, or by visiting the City Secretary’s office on the 2nd floor of city hall at 220 Texas Blvd. Texarkana, Texas.
All applications and letters of interest will be public record and included with the City Council Agenda for the August 14th council meeting. All interested candidates will be interviewed by the City Council during the August 14th regular council meeting and should plan to attend. If the council chooses an applicant, the individual could be sworn in and begin serving at the council meeting on August 14, 2017.
For more information about this release, contact Lisa Thompson at lisa.thompson@txkusa.org or (903) 798-1743.