Area lakes and rivers continue to rise with the warning of severe weather headed this way.
According to the National Weather Service a strong upper level disturbance will bring severe weather across the area today. Threats today include damaging winds, large hail, isolated tornadoes and flash flooding.
Red River at Pecan Point on 259 N. of DeKalb
Forecast to hit 33.5 feet Wednesday night which is within 1 foot of the level during the last major flood of 1990. At 33 feet 259 will likely have to be closed.
Flood Impact @ Pecan Point
- 36 feet – Record flooding occurs. Hundreds of thousands of acres flood catastrophically. All establishments and residences, including farms and ranches, should be completely evacuated.
- 34.5 feet – Near record flooding of tens of thousands of acres will continue. Severe backwater flooding of pecan and nolan creeks occurs. The U.S. highway 259 bridge is closed, as well as texas highway bridges 8 and 37.
- 33 feet- The approaches to the U.S. highway 259 bridge inundate. Tens of thousands of acres will flood severely. Complete evacuation of livestock is encouraged. The U.S. highway 259 bridge will very likely be closed. In addition, texas highway 37, that runs from Clarksville, Texas to Idabel, Oklahoma, and Texas highway 8, that runs from New Boston, Texas to Critton Ridge, Arkansas, will likely be closed.
- 30 feet- Thousands of acres of farm land and pasture flood. Livestock must be evacuated to higher ground. Much of the flood plain is inundated, and preparations for a major flood should be made.
- 29 feet- Evacuations of some half dozen homes required in the pecan bend area of northeast texas.
- 27 feet – Flooding will increase on the Red River, with much of the flood plain inundated. Ranchers must move cattle and farm machinery to higher ground. Moderate to severe bank erosion occurs.
- 24.5 feet -Flooding will continue to decrease along the red river, although bank erosion problems will continue. Minor overflow of low banks will continue, especially on the oklahoma side of the river.
- 24 feet – Minor flooding of the lower banks occurs, especially on the oklahoma side of the river. Residents along the river can expect moderate to severe bank erosion.
View Current Water Level Graph at Pecan Point
Latest Video Taken 5/24
Red River at Index Bridge on Highway 71 North of Texarkana
Forecast to hit 27.0 feet Friday night
Flood Warning at Index
- From Wednesday morning until further notice, or until the warning is canceled.
- At 8:00 am Monday the stage was 17.7 feet.
- Moderate flooding is forecast.
- Flood stage is 25 feet.
- Forecast: rise above flood stage by late Wednesday morning and continue to rise to near 27.0 feet by Friday morning.
Flood Impact @ Index Bridge
- 34.25 feet – Record flooding of tens of thousands of acres will take place.
- 32 At feet – this stage, the us highway 71 index bridge will likely need to be closed and traffic rerouted. Also there will be widespread inundation of thousand of acres of farmland.
- 31.5 feet – A 24 hour flood watch will commence at the index bridge on us highway 71. The bridge is in danger of being overtopped and closed.
- 27 feet – General inundation of farm and grazing lowlands will occur. Ranchers should have completed evacuation of cattle and equipment to higher ground.
- 25 feet- Considerable flooding of lowland farm and grazing land will take place. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment to higher ground.
- 24 feet- The red river is at bankfull with some minor flooding of low pastures. Ranchers are advised to move cattle to higher ground.
- 19.5 feet – Considerable backwater flooding will take place on walnut bayou at the confluence of the red river and walnut bayou as well as upstream on walnut bayou.
Latest Video From 5/22/15
Levels at Fulton I-30 Bridge
Forecast to hit 27 feet Friday night.
- 37.5 feet – Catastropic record flooding with tens of thousands acres inundated. The town of fulton is flooded and evacuated at this point.
- 36.5 feet – Overflow of levees both upstream and downstream from fulton takes place.
- 36 feet – Us highway 67 is flooded and closed at fulton. Thousands of acres of farmland are flooded.
- 35 feet – Interstate 30 at fulton is flooded and closed with major flooding of thousand of acres to take place.
- 34.5 feet – West lane of i-30 flooded and closed by a foot of water. East lane of i-30 will likely be required to close as well. Moderate to severe backwater flooding of the little river channel up to millwood dam will take place. Ranchers should have completed evacuation of cattle upstream from the confluence of the little and red rivers to millwood dam.
- 34 feet – West lane of interstate 30 is flooded and closed west of the bridge near a small bayou.
- 32 fee -Farmers and ranchers highly advised to evacuate cattle and machinery to higher ground in the little river valley from millwood dam to the confluence of the little and red rivers.
- 30 feet – Considerable lowland flooding will take place. Ranchers advised to evacuate cattle away from the river at this point. Ranchers should move cattle and equipment in the little river area from below millwood dam to the little river’s confluence with the red river just west of fulton.
- 29 feet -Lowland flooding will continue to decrease and end between the levees.
- 28 feet – Considerable flooding will increase in the area between the levees.
- 27 feet – Slight overflow begins in the area between the levees at fulton but this flooding is considered minor at this point.
View Most Recent Levels at Fulton
Lake Texoma is still topping the spillway currently at 641.92 feet which is over 111% full.
The following parks are CLOSED as of May 23, 2015:
East Burns Run
East Burns Run Day Use Area
West Burns Run
West Burns Run Day Use Area
Platter Flats
Johnson Creek
Caney Creek
Juniper East
Preston Bend
Spillway Boat Ramp and Toilet
The following parks are PARTIALLY OPEN as of May 23, 2015:
Buncombe Creek: 30% open. Existing reservations honored on open sites. First come first served on available sites.
> Limited campsites are available
> Limited water is available
> No waterborne restroom or showers are available
> Limited electric service is available
> No boat ramp is available
Juniper West: 80% open; potential for reservations.
> Campsites are available
> Water is available
> Waterborne restroom and showers are available
> Electric service is available
> No boat ramp is available
Texas Damsite: 100% open; first come first served
For parks with partial openings and potential for reservations our customers may contact the National Reservation System by phone (877/644-6777) or via the World Wide Web ( Reservations may also be made onsite.
Mountain Fork River / Beavers Bend
The Mountain Fork River is receiving a huge amount of lake water through the spillway. This is an amount never seen since the lakes construction. It is unknown what this large amount of inflow will do. After speaking with the county emergency management director, we are advising all residents living near the river to be prepared to evacuate. Those residents living near the old flood plains of the river are especially encouraged to prepare NOW! This evacuation isn’t mandatory at this time but strongly suggested. Please share this with all those near the area. Thank you for your cooperation.
Millwood State Park
Due to floodwaters from recent rains, Millwood State Park is closed temporarily beginning May 12. This includes the entire park and all park facilities. This closure will extend through the Memorial Day Weekend, and it is not known at this time when, after that, the park will reopen. This will be dependent on lake levels. For updates, contact the park at: 870-898-2800.
Albert Pike
Loops A & B open seasonally for day use only. No overnight camping. Call the Womble Office for additional information 870-867-2101