Lack of information and exaggerated claims have left Miller Co. residents wondering if the state overcharged them millions in taxes because of a data error.
The Miller County Tax Assessor’s office was notified on August 12th that the new and used vehicle values the Arkansas Assessment Coordination Department provided in January were incorrect.
Everyone whose property taxes went up will receive a “Notice of Personal Property Value Change” from the state informing them of the nominal increase and that they will have ten days to appeal, said Kim McCatherine, representative of the Miller County Tax Assessors Office. Kim points out that residents receiving the letter will only see an increase of $1 – $5, and none more than $10 due to the state’s error.
“For most, it will not be worth their time to appeal,” said Kim, elaborating that many in the state will see a decrease in taxes because of the accounting error.
Also, Kim wants folks to know that taxes for 2019 are due next year and payable from March 1st – October 15th, as usual.
The reasons for the error are unknown, but Mrs. McCatherine says, “Nothing like this has happened in my 18 years at the Tax Accessories office.”
Initial reports indicated that Miller Co. residents were overcharged $9 million in taxes that the state was going to keep. This is false. The $9m is the overall value of the personal property that could be taxed, not the amount of the tax bill due by Miller Co. citizens, and of that $9m only 20% of the value could be taxed, according to Kim.
To submit your appeal or find out more contact:
Miller County Assessor’s Office, 870-774-1502,
Miller County Courthouse,
400 Laurel Street, Texarkana, Ark.
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday.