A Texarkana, Ark., man, missing since Friday, Aug. 1, has been found safe and sound today in Los Angeles, Calif.
Law enforcement officials initially believed James Metcalf Rucker, 77, took a Greyhound bus from Texarkana to Hot Springs, Ark., based on initial information provided to law enforcement.
Rucker has a host of health issues. Rucker, who lives alone, suffers from depression, diabetes, is deaf, walks with a limp causing him to need a cane, and has red birth-marks covering both hands and arms.
Rucker left all of his medication at home. He lives in an elderly independent living home community, which is currently trying to figure out how to help bring him home, said Texarkana, Texas, Police Detective Paul Nall.
It is still unclear why Rucker chose to leave Texarkana.
Police had issued a nationwide Silver Alert, which is a public notification system that broadcasts information about missing persons – especially seniors with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other mental disabilities – in order to aid in their return.
Silver Alerts use a wide array of media outlets – such as commercial radio stations, television stations, and cable television – to broadcast information about missing persons. Silver Alerts also use variable-message signs on roadways to alert motorists to be on the lookout for missing seniors. In cases in which a missing person is believed to be missing on foot, Silver Alerts have used Reverse 911 or other emergency notification systems to notify nearby residents of the neighborhood surrounding the missing person’s last known location.