The oversize load arrived in Maud, Texas Saturday evening. Unconfirmed reports indicate the load may be heading towards Texarkana Sunday evening. We will update about any road closures or power outages caused by the move.
According to an email sent by SWEPCO to area officials an oversized load will be moving through the Texarkana area sometime soon.
According to the email, “the authorized TXDOT route for the transportation company requires SWEPCO to move/adjust our facilities to accommodate the load height as it passes through our territory. Please be aware this may cause brief power outages as we may have to de-energize a circuit if we cannot switch load around. There are about 132 crossings we will be required to make safe for this oversized load as it moves through our communities.
According to the email not only SWEPCO is impacted, but also cable, telephone and city facilities that will potentially be involved in the move.
“The route will continue north to Douglasville and Maud then turn east toward Texarkana on Hwy 67. When it arrives at the loop it will take the feeder road south and U-turn at Terry Street and will stay on the feeder to Richmond Rd. At Richmond Road it will travel SE to Kennedy Lane and then east to Summerhill Road. At Summerhill it will turn north to I-30 then travel east to 71 and north to Ashdown.”
The dimensions provided in the email show this load to be 22’10” in height, 118’ long, and 18’ wide. There will be two loads traveling together, the dimensions provided are for the larger of the two loads.
“Please be advised that some crossings will take more time than others and roads could potentially be blocked as we work to secure safe passage for the load, our employees and the public.”
TXK Today will post any road closures or delays caused by the oversize load.
Unconfirmed reports indicate the load is going to Domtar for the high quality fluff pulp line.