Sighting of Escapee Prisoner South of Fouke

IMG_1473Warden Jerry Campbell spotted escapee prisoner Jeremy Pifer this morning. “I was back out here the morning looking driving county roads when I saw the subject walking up the asphalt out of this landing.” Warden Campbell said, “He was spotted near the sulphur river boat ramp on Highway 71.”

“By the time I made a U-Turn, he [Pifer] was off the road,” stated Campbell. The Warden recognized the individual to be Pifer.

Warden Campbell requested the dogs, and soon after, TAPD sent their dogs out. The Quachita Unit dogs were requested and excpected to be on scene soon as the TAPD dogs had to leave.

Also, hunters in the woods claimed they saw an individual, and this sighting fits into the timeframe.

“So far, we have not pulled up anything,” stated Warden Campbell.

State, County, and City Police were out helping as well. The Marshall from Fouke was out as well. The Emergency Response Team out of Little Rock was on his way down to help out as well.
See the original story here –

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