The United Way of Greater Texarkana will host its annual Stuff-The-Bus school supply drive to collect school supplies for needy children in our local schools. The Stuff-The-Bus program is organized and driven by volunteers, to assist struggling families in getting necessary supplies for the upcoming school year. As a United Way Program, all donations are tax- deductible.
Volunteers will be collecting donations and supplies on the following dates at the following location and times:
Saturday, July 23rd:
Sonic 1515 Arkansas Blvd. (10 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Sonice 4619 Summerhill Rd. (10 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Saturday, July 30th:
Sonic 3101 Richmond Rd. (10 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Sonic 4706 W. 7th St. (10 a.m.-2 p.m.)
Saturday, August 6th:
“Wild About Wellness Health Fair”
Donations can be dropped off thru the end July at any of the drop off locations.
“Stuff the Bus isn’t simply about filling a backpack, it’s about filling a child’s heart with hope. Hope to be the best they can be in the upcoming school year with brand new school supplies that are their very own. We’ve had a lot of new businesses join us this year to collect school supplies and we are beyond grateful to partner with them in this effort,” Jenn Lockman, Co-Chairperson of Stuff-The-Bus Committee.
“The Stuff-The-Bus program is a vital education program for our region! Our school-aged children have to be equipped with the tools necessary to start the year off on the right path; unfortunately everyone doesn’t have the financial means to purchase these supplies. That’s where this program fits the need. Groups such as Kiwanis, Rotarians and area businesses that serve as drop off locations provide much needed volunteers annually in support of this program. These items will be taken to the Texarkana Resources for the Disabled where volunteers will sort, pack and distribute the backpacks. Students need to contact their respective school counselors to sign up,” says Mark Bledsoe, United Way of Greater Texarkana, President/CEO.
“Each year at Liberty-Eylau Primary the teachers try to put a school supply list together of the basic consumable items that our students will use throughout the school year. We try to keep it limited with the parents spending their hard earned money in mind. It is always hard on most of our student’s families to purchase school supplies for each child that they are sending to public school. Knowing this, I not only buy school supplies for my own children at my home, but I buy crayons, glue sticks, school boxes etc. for the children in my classroom to use throughout the year. In one school year, I spend at least $150 of my own money on consumable supplies for my students to use in my Kindergarten classroom. The teacher’s really appreciate the help we get from the community to put supplies in the hands of our students. It is also a relief to parents who come in on meet the teacher empty handed, to be assured that supplies are available for their child. Mostly and most importantly, the children are so very grateful for donations they receive. We gave out many backpacks to kindergarten and first grade students last year that arrived and left daily from our campus carrying their homework in hand. The smiles on their faces and the hugs and waves let the teacher’s know that there is a great appreciation for everything that is done for them,” says Jami Blain, Kindergarten teacher, Liberty-Eylau Elementary School.