TC & TISD Adult Basic Ed Program Dessert Reception Celebrating Accelerate Texas Week


Beginning Mon., Nov. 9, almost two dozen community colleges and college districts across Texas will begin celebrating Accelerate TEXAS Week in honor of the initiative that has helped thousands of Adult Basic Ed (ABE) students on their way toward college credentials.

Texarkana College, in partnership with Texarkana ISD Adult Education program, helps students earn their GED while attending college courses for workforce certification.

The program, funded by the Accelerate Texas Innovative Grant (IG) has been helping students reach their education goals in Texarkana since 2013. Students can choose to concentrate on earning higher education credentials in welding, medical office procedures, and office careers.

Please join us as we celebrate our success in Texarkana at a Dessert Reception on Mon., Nov. 9th at 2:30 p.m. in the lobby of the Career Education Center on Texarkana College Campus.

Mayor Bob Bruggeman will kick off the reception with a proclamation declaring Nov. 8-14 as Accelerate Texas Week and will help bring awareness to the program and the students who are currently benefiting from the training. We invite you to join us as we celebrate student success!

For more information, please visit Accelerate Texarkana website at

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