Texas High’s Homecoming Bacon Fry

Leadership students fry 120 lbs. of bacon

Last Friday morning at 6 a.m. THS parents and students continued the tradition of Texas / Arkansas Bacon Fry.

The smell of 120 pounds bacon, 30 dozen eggs, 1200 biscuits, 300 fried chicken legs, cooked by 15 grills permeated the morning air.

Senior girls guard the bacon until the eggs are ready.
Stahl, Waldrep, Brubaker are Tiger strong for Texas traditions.
Seniors celebrate their last bacon fry.
1977 Texas High graduate, William Morriss still shows up to fry bacon with John Hays to keep the tradition.

This year’s bacon fry is was organized by Susan and Courtney Waldrep, with the help of Waldrep’s Leadership students and Darrah McGuire through the support of Principals O’Bannon and Stahl.

Student Body President Will Carter and Senior Class President Jake McGuire keep the breakfast coming.
Any residual bacon grease on players’ hands did not negatively impact the outcome of the Homecoming game. Texas High defeated Mt. Pleasant in Friday’s contest: 44-13.
Junior Leadership girls make sure everyone gets a chicken leg.
Wiggins And Stanford celebrate 10 years early!!!
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