Tim Johnson is announcing his campaign for reelection for Director of Ward 3 in Texarkana, Arkansas. The election is November 6, 2018, and Johnson is encouraging his constituents to invest their trust in him to improve economic development in his community.
Previously, Director Johnson decided to not run for reelection due to his mother’s failing health. However, she is immensely recovering, becoming much stronger each day. After receiving a flood of inquiries asking if he would reconsider running for Board of Directors, Johnson felt it was his duty to serve.
“We have for the most part, a very sincere and cooperative board,” said Johnson. “I want to continue the work we started.”
Johnson has more plans for Texarkana, along with some items he would like to see the community consider. His hope is that he can leave his position in 2022 and say that he left his ward in a better place than before.
“I want future boards to look at this board and think, these folks were looking ahead and planning for future generations,” he emphasized.
The plan is for Johnson to continue to pursue industry, small business, and tourism on the Arkansas side. He explained the importance of the Board of Directors securing an intermodal transfer station for FedEx, along with an expansion of their existing presence. These type of improvements lead to quality jobs in the area.
Recently, the Board has made efforts to ease ordinances and regulations for businesses, homeowners, and citizens so that the process is streamlined in lieu of convoluted and laborious as they were before. These efforts were a result of promises made from Johnson to make it easier for people to do business in the City of Texarkana, Arkansas, giving relief from some codes that can be confusing or difficult to abide by or understand.
Despite tight funding, Johnson intends to focus on infrastructure improvements, particularly streets that need to be redone.
“The recent overlay of 7th, 8th, 9th, streets along with East Broad were welcome improvements provided by ARDot,” said Johnson. “The task still isn’t complete, but it’s a great improvement over what we had,” he assured.
Ultimately, Johnson wants to continue to serve his community and promote Texarkana, Arkansas, as a destination for families. He explains that we have an abundance of unique locally owned businesses that the city is cooperating with to promote their strengths.
“I want to see future resources in place for future generations,” he exclaimed. The City acquired more water rights from Lake Millwood, allowing for Texarkana, Arkansas to sell water at a profit, explaining there is immense value in securing those water rights.
This is one of his proudest moments as director, receiving as much water as allowed from the US Army Corp of Engineers at Lake Millwood. This is a step forward for the future, where the City has planned for next generations so that the community can grow and prosper.
“I am proud that as a board, we have been proactive in securing the city’s future.”
Johnson is fulfilled when he is serving his community. He comes from a family with strong roots and ties to Texarkana. His father served as a pastor for 60 years, while his mother was a nurse for 34 years. His family emphasized leading by example, watching his parents help others and improve the lives of people around them.
“ My service to the city is based on a desire to be helpful and to make improvements, to leave things better than when I started.”
He is a retired Systems Technician with AT&T, with 36 years of employment and commitment. While working for AT&T, he earned both his BAAS and MS from Texas A&M-Texarkana, graduating both degrees Summa Cum Laude. On November, 3, 2014, he was elected to his first term as Ward 3 Director for Texarkana, Arkansas. That same day, his daughter was engaged, making it a very important day for him personally and professionally.
Ward 3 is one of the largest wards geographically, with a very diverse community, covering residential and business areas near downtown and including more rural settings towards Rondo Rd. and Genoa Road.
When considering Johnson for your vote, keep in mind the following plans Johnson intends to promote and focus on:
- To work with The City to strive every year toward a balanced budget.
- To take advantage of some of our natural assets in Texarkana by launching a Tourism Bureau.
- To work with Public Works Department to streamline permitting process and create a more business friendly atmosphere.
- To work with UofA -Texarkana and local businesses to create training programs for various topics that must include a hospitality component. “Good customer service” can increase your volume by 25% or more.
- Provide a funding plan to maintain and upgrade city streets.
Johnson explains that in order for Texarkana, Arkansas to have a competitive advantage over other similar economies, a workforce has to be capable of operating at a level where it can sustain and grow.
To achieve this, Texarkana, Arkansas, could attempt to incentive training through tax breaks and write-offs for businesses, providing facilities to train workers, or a variety of other means designed to create a more skilled workforce.
“Creating attractive and competitive business environments is key to the success of businesses, cities, regions, and nations,” confirmed Johnson. The community has much to gain from attracting competitive industries and job creation, leading to prosperity for the city as a whole.
Texarkana, Arkansas cannot afford to fail, as much as it cannot afford to continue the way it has in the past. Johnson hopes that the constituents in Ward 3 will vote for him this November 6, 2018, and trust his initiatives to help the community progress.