Morris Lane and Robin Road remain closed to through traffic while Texarkana Texas Public Works Department continues work on a street construction project which will provide a thoroughfare from Moores Lane to Summerhill Road.
According to Texarkana, Texas Design Engineer, Mashell Daniel, traffic is one-way going East on Morris from Richmond and one-way from Morris heading North on Robin. No turns are permitted from Moores Lane southbound onto Robin Road.
“It is best for residents to use an alternate route, excepting homeowners who live on Morris Road between Robin Road and Cowhorn Creek. Residents in that area can use the completed section of Morris to get to their homes,” Daniel said. “It is crucial at this point in the project that drivers are aware of the road closures and pay attention to traffic routes to keep other drivers and construction workers safe in the work zones.”
This project is scheduled for completion by the end of September. Please see attached map for further explanation.