January 17, 2015 | Danny Kean and his traveling piano made stops in Texarkana and Maud on January 16, 2015. He began the day at Spring Lake Park.
“Mo and I first headed to Spring Lake park in Texarkana to create music on a lake. Everyone we passed while looking around waved a friendly hello. That, for me is a ‘tell’ about a place. It felt good and validated my wanting to spend a day here,” stated Danny Kean in his blog post.
Kean has been on this journey for ten years. “I’ve been on a journey now in its tenth year throughout the northern hemisphere. I am all about Fun, Friendship and Respect with Musical Empowerment and Inspiration and not cost (no tips/fees/etc…) and without Commercial, Organizational or Political affiliation. The Traveling Piano is for the creation of music for people to discover, mine as well as others. I share the piano with people specializing in those who have never before created music, don’t think they could ever play a piano and most of all, those who have been physiologically damaged from music lessons as a kid. Lol To date there have been over fifty thousand people on the piano seat. The Traveling Piano is not about entertaining or performing it is about relationship one-on-one with people through music. I have been working with the piano on the truck since 1987 full time. The first twenty years was for money as a pro and now since 2006 just for fun, living in the moment one day at a time while trusting in divine providence and… Its been working. I originally came from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,” stated Kean.
Kean continues in his blog post: “As I began to create music I could feel myself become alive, more so than in a long time. People began to find us immediately. I could have stayed in that one spot the entire day. A couple getting married in the park next week found us. A woman pulled up next to me and asked me to stay long enough for her to look up the local newspaper number in a phone book on her lap. She wanted to have someone come and take a picture. I told her if she climbed onto the piano seat she could stall me and keep me there until they arrived and that is what happened. Then I drove to find another lake and got lost. I was really out there, about thirty miles from where I started. I found more water in Maud, Texas on the Sulphur River. There I met a fisherman named Kevin and he turned out to be a deacon for his local church. He told me the bible said a dog is mans best friend. He wanted to prove it so he called his paster on his cell phone who said he needed to look it up. Later tonight Kevin called and said, well… not exactly. In Ecclesiastes 8-10 chapter 9 verse 4 it says… For him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion. I told Kevin I would need to “chew” on that for a while. Lol, I really appreciated his calling me. Another young girl asked me today what my favorite bible verse was and I told her I don’t read the bible I learn through how other people show actions in the ways of Jesus. Obviously, I am in a very churchy area. To another person I said what Jesus wants (my new friend Kathy said this) …is to just put love on everyone (I added) without conditions, wether they need it or not, good or bad, right or wrong, part of or not, just put the love on. There were more interesting interactions today but I’m too tired to keep going.”
Check all of Danny Kean’s adventures on his blog at http://www.ragginpianoboogie.com/blog.php?name=usa-1501&function=combine_r&menu=menu.