The University of Arkansas at Hope will host an ACT Prep workshop for high school juniors and seniors on Saturday, November 11 and Saturday, December 2, 2017, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., on the U of A Hope campus. The cost of the workshop is $15 per Saturday.
This workshop will offer focused, discipline-specific skills in all four ACT areas: Reading, English, Math, and Science. Students can choose to attend one or both Saturdays and may take Reading/English on one Saturday and Math/Science on the other Saturday.
For an application to the ACT Prep workshop, please visit https://goo.gl/forms/ntRTniwKkvBtHseG3. For questions, contact Ashli Dykes at ashli.dykes@uacch.edu or 870-722-8267.