Wadley Regional Medical Center will be hosting its second annual Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Birthday Celebration on Saturday, April 6 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. The
NICU Birthday Party will be held in the Day Surgery Lobby on the corner of Olive and 9 th
Streets. This is a chance to celebrate all babies who have been cared for in the Wadley NICU
over the years. An invitation is warmly extended to the many patients and their families who
received care in the Wadley NICU.
This celebration is an opportunity for families to reunite with the nurses who not only cared for
their babies, but helped the parents through an emotional and trying time. “The staff has been
the driving force behind getting this event put together,” claims Shelby Brown, director of
marketing and planning for Wadley. “They are so excited to be able to reconnect with these
very special deliveries and their families!”
There will be lots of games for the kids to play, balloon animals by Daryl Miller and face
painting. To commemorate the day, there will be a photo area for families to use their own
camera. A birthday party would not be complete without a Birthday cupcakes and punch for all
to enjoy. There will be fabulous Door Prizes and every NICU child will receive a gift.
“We are excited about our second annual celebration to see these patients and families again. It
was our honor to care for them in our NICU,” says Antonette Reed, Director Maternal and Child,
Wadley Regional Medical Center. “It should be a fun time for our current and former nurses to
reconnect with patients who are now growing up healthy and strong!”
The Wadley Trauma Department will be available for car seat checks. It is important to have
you child in a car seat, but just as important is to have them restrained correctly.
Wadley has been the Birth Place of Texarkana for generations. With an experienced birthing
staff, Wadley has set a precedent for childbirth excellence in the Four-State area by being the
first designated 10 Step Hospital and first Mother-Friendly Worksite in Texarkana. The Texas 10
Step program, developed in 1999, is a method for improving maternity care practices in birthing
facilities. The program aids birthing facilities in improving breastfeeding outcomes through
adoption of best practices. As a Mother-Friendly Worksite, Wadley Regional Medical Center
proactively supports employees who choose to breastfeed their infants. Our nursery provides
newborn, transition and Level II intensive care with 24-hour neonatology service.