Breast Cancer Awareness month comes around every October, and thousands of events take place nation wide in support and in honor of those who have survived, or who have lost their battle to breast cancer. But how does Breast Cancer affect us here in Texarkana? Let’s find out.
According to national statistics, 1 in every 8 women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. This means that 13% of women will be diagnosed at some point in their life. Breast cancer is also the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in women in America, while the most significant risk factor of developing breast cancer is quite literally… sex and age.
While only 5% of breast cancer impacts women under 40, it doesn’t discriminate. By the age of 40 women should start receiving yearly mammograms. This procedure allows physicians to take images of your breast tissue, to determine if there are any abnormal masses within them that could help in the early detection of breast cancer. As we age, women in their 40s are increasingly more likely to be diagnosed, and it becomes even more common as they continue to age. So what can you do to help prevent and increase early diagnosis? Start by talking to your provider about yearly exams.
You can also give yourself an exam. There are several ways in which you can detect early signs of breast cancer, including completing a short self examination of your breasts while in the shower, or by having a partner examine you as well. While it may seem silly to examine yourself, or to let a partner help, it is a great way to be mindful and bring awareness to breast cancer. Most breast cancer patients are diagnosed after a discovery of masses on the breasts through physical exams. Encourage your friends, and family members to conduct self examinations every few months by using the following methods.

So how can Texarkana support breast cancer awareness month? Well, throughout the month of October here in Texarkana, the Tough Kookie Foundation will host several events to help show support, and provide encouragement of those fighting breast cancer and other childhood cancers. The list of events that you can participate in are as follows:
October 8th Pink Out City Wide Day, where they hope everyone in Texarkana will show their support for survivors and fighters by wearing the color pink throughout the day.
October 10th Church Pink Out Day: Continue to share your support and honor those who have fought or who are fighting breast cancer by wearing pink to church
October 10th Paws for the Cause, come out to Spring Lake Park and enjoy an event with dogs and supporters at 1PM
October 16th Tough Kookies 1st Annual Breast Cancer Race, this new event will take place for the first time this year at the Texas A&M Campus, beginning at 7AM. Come out to share your support, or to walk or run in honor of someone you love who is fighting, or in remembrance of someone who fought breast cancer.
Most importantly, if you are over the age of 40, please talk with your local provider about the early detection of breast cancer. It’s always important to encourage those around us to do the same. Save the TaTas Texarkana!