A Simms, Texas, man is facing multiple charges which began with a car crash in Bowie County in August.
Justin Leigh Pool, 29, was allegedly involved in a crash the night of Aug. 10 on FM 992 near CR 3211 in Bowie County. The trooper working the crash scene called in the Bowie County Sheriff’s Office to address Pool’s alleged misconduct on property near the accident site, according to a probable cause affidavit.
After the crash, Pool allegedly walked to property about a mile away owned by Merritt Farms on CR 3218. There Pool allegedly
got inside a white Mack semi truck/tractor that had a 1999 Wabash 53′ semi-trailer attached to it. Pool attempted to back out the tractor and trailer but hit a set of commercial vehicle scales which damaged the rear axles of the trailer making it a total loss and damaging the scales to the point they no longer functioned. Pool allegedly entered a small “scale house” by removing a window air conditioning unit.
Once inside he allegedly damaged computer equipment, video surveillance equipment and a commercial vehicle digital scale readout wall-mounted unit. The damage caused to the scale house is estimated at approximately $3,000.
After leaving the farm property, Pool allegedly walked across the street to a residence and entered through an unlocked door. Pool is accused of attempting to pull a sleeping woman from her bed by pulling on her ankles. The woman reported she was able to push Pool from the house and call 911.
Pool is facing a misdemeanor charge of driving while intoxicated and felony charges of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, burglary of a building and burglary of a habitation to commit assault.
He is currently being held in the Bowie County jail with bonds totaling $63,000.