The Telford Unit Prison is now reporting that 15 inmates have tested positive for COVID-19. 16 inmates still have tests pending.
An offender death from the Telford Unit in New Boston is under investigation to determine if it is connected to COVID-19. 72-year-old Bartolo Infante was in medical isolation at a community hospital in Texarkana. Infante suffered from a number of pre-existing medical conditions and was hospitalized for viral pneumonia when he tested positive for COVID-19 on April 3rd. He passed away Tuesday. Like all in-custody deaths it is being investigated and the formal cause of death is pending an autopsy.
Four employees at the Telford Unit have tested positive and are in self-quarantine.
Offenders in medical restriction are locked down and are being issued cotton masks. TDCJ staff and employees at facilities are provided with and required to wear cotton masks as are parole officers in the field. Where appropriate, staff are issued Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). As TDCJ learns of new positive tests, contact investigations are being conducted to determine which individuals may have been exposed to the virus.