Texas A&M University and the College of Arts, Sciences, and
Education will host an information session for those interested in the alternative
teacher certification program, Eagles Teach ALT. The meeting will be held in
University Center room 229 at A&M-Texarkana on Tuesday, April 16th, from 5:00-
7:30 p.m.
Alternative certification programs are designed for those with a bachelor’s degree
or who will have a bachelor’s degree in May 2019. A&M-Texarkana’s alternative
program is a fast-track to certification and has certified hundreds of teachers to
work in area schools. Participants are certified in 14 months through course work
and a paid internship as a first-year teacher in a school district or as a student in a
clinical teaching experience. Participants earn graduate level credit and often
have only a few more courses to earn a Master’s degree beyond certification.
Eagles Teach ALT participants benefit from online and face-to-face instruction
facilitated by university professors experienced in teaching in public schools who
work closely with school districts in the region. “Our instructors go above and
beyond for each teacher candidate,” says Dr. Sara Lawrence, Associate Dean for
College of Arts, Sciences, and Education. “For over 100 years, the A&M System
has prepared more teachers than any other university in Texas. We are proud of
our history and take our responsibility to prepare quality teachers seriously.”
Application for admission to the Eagles Teach Alt program is now open and
classes start June 3 rd . Those admitted in spring can be considered for hire in Texas
area schools for fall 2019 under Intern Certification in the area admitted to the
Alternative Certification Program. For questions, please contact Deb Shidemantle
at dshidemantle@tamut.edu or call 903/223-3179. More information about
Eagles Teach ALT can be found at: tamut.edu/acp.