Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a trending topic in our country. Everyone from the President to Senators to Local Legislatures are talking about how important CTE is to the country and how there are too many good paying jobs and not enough qualified workers to fill them.
Arkansas High School’s Career and Technical Education program in partnership with SkillsUSA is helping bridge that gap between employers needing good, quality employees and students who are wanting to work.
SkillsUSA is a vital part of the CTE curriculum in that it provides the students with the skills necessary to get a job and keep a job.Five AHS students placed in the Automotive and Welding categories during the SkillUSA Competition held in Hot Springs, AR on April 12-13:
Dylan Cotton 1st Place Automotive Refinishing
Johnathon Johnson 2nd Place Automotive Refinishing
Colton Conner 3rd Place Collision Repair
Canyon Baker 2nd Place Pipe Welding
Tyler Haltom 3rd Place Pipe Welding