ASPSF Awards 16 Scholarships in Miller, Bowie Counties


The Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Miller and Bowie Counties (ASPSF/MBC) would like to congratulate the Spring 2022 scholarship recipients.

Thanks to the support of local donors and state funding, ASPSF/MBC awarded scholarships to 15 single mothers and one single father from different walks of life, who have committed themselves to a degree and/or certification in postsecondary education.

Those awarded scholarships included Jasmine Finley, Lasonya Larry, Courtney Hubbard, Kelly Long, Dajanee Manley, Bridget Bennett, Sharonda Smith, Rachel Kerby, Fredericka Wyrick, Nicole Carroll, Diniele Bringham, Demetria Baker, Alysha Willis, Katrine Eason, Tantenill Elliott, and Delisa Johnson.
ASPSF is enabling these single parents in Miller and Bowie counties to build a new future for their families. From Spring 2019 to Spring 2022, the ASPSF/MBC has awarded 186 scholarships totaling more than $159,600 to dedicated single parents.

The Spring ’22 recipients also recently participated in our Mental Health Workshop “Be Kind to Your Mind” with 85 other participants across the state of Arkansas. \The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Barbara Gholston Larry, LPC of Texarkana, Texas.

At the workshop, the recipients received information on the following: the causes of mental illness; the role stress plays in dealing with mental illness; how to cope with everyday demands and self-control; identifying stressors, social anxiety, and suicide; and seeking help and where to find that help. They were also provided with tips to help with stress: journaling, positive self-affirmation, learning your triggers, learning to say no, music, dance, and exercise.

Thank you to our ASPSF regional volunteers Tenequa Martin and Marvin Warren as well as the regional scholarship committee for their support in reviewing applications as well as helping with interviews, workshops, and scholarship decisions. With the help of volunteers and community support, ASPSF creates multigenerational change, transforming lives for both single parents and their children.

Anyone interested in serving as a volunteer for Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund or simply wishing to make a monetary contribution may contact Sandra Warren, Program Manager at (870) 330-7371 or More information about scholarships, volunteer opportunities, and ways to give,

About Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund: For 30 years, Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund has worked to create stronger, more educated, and more self-sufficient families. ASPSF opens doors for low-income single parents, helping them pursue education, secure employment, and transform the future for their families. With the help of volunteers and community support, ASPSF creates multigenerational change, transforming lives for both single parents and their children. For information about scholarships, volunteer opportunities and ways to give, visit

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