Burglary suspect arrested with public’s help


According to Texarkana Texas Police Department, the burglar responsible for breaking into a Texas Blvd. business on Monday night has been arrested.

Charles Fennie, Jr., 47, of Texarkana, TX, was taken into custody late last night.

Police say Fennie was identified with help from the public, as the man who broke into the Texas Blvd. business on Monday night.

According to authorities, Detective Warren Smith obtained a warrant for Fennie on Wednesday June 9, and Sgt. Jeremy Courtney noticed his vehicle being driven on Richmond Road last night and stopped it.

Fennie was arrested and transported to the Bi-State Jail, where he is being held for burglary of a building.

TAPD has also obtained felony arrest warrants on Fennie for burglary and breaking and entering on their side. Once the charges in Texas have been handled, he will be extradited to Arkansas to face those charges.

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