Texas-Side Water Utilities Resume Utility Disconnects and Penalties September 1st


Texarkana Water Utilities will resume utility disconnects and penalties for late payments effective Tuesday, September 1st for the residents of Texarkana, Texas, except for customers who have been laid off or put on reduced hours due to COVID-19. To qualify for a temporary exemption, a letter from their employer will be required to verify the customer’s status.

Texarkana Water Utilities announced in March that disconnections and late penalties were suspended but as with many other municipal utilities, the grace period is over. No penalties were assessed for past-due amounts from March through the end of August, and payment plans of up to six months are available for accounts in arrears. Customers will need to pay the current bill and a portion of the past-due amount that is acceptable with the customer.

Payment options available to customers include auto-draft, online payments, pay by phone, mail, payment drop box, and drive-thru at 801 Wood Street. Please contact Customer Service www.customerservice@txkusa.org or call 903-798-3800 for assistance. We encourage customers to contact Customer Service by email to by-pass phone congestion during times of high call volume.

The Customer Service lobby at 801 Wood Street will remain closed until further notice.

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