Bringing amusement park excitement everywhere it stops, Texarkana’s new Kona Ice truck blends entertainment and gourmet frozen treats into an experience unlike any other in the area.
“When our customers get a glimpse of the decked out truck with its tiki hut top and vibrant colors, the looks on their faces say it all,” said Joslyn Vickers.
Vickers continually FUNdraises with Kona Ice throughout the ArkLa-Tex and continuing Kona Ice’s tradition of donating thousands of dollars each year to local school groups, teams and community organizations. As they book events with these groups, they pledge to give back a percentage of the proceeds from each stop.
Look for Kona Ice at “Sparks in the Park”, Saturday June 24th from 4:00 to 10:00pm at the Four States Fairgrounds and at the “Cajun Catfish Festival” Saturday, July 1st on Front Street.
To learn more, contact Joslyn Vickers by email at jvickers@konaice.com or by phone at (903) 293-0123.