Texas A&M University-Texarkana has announced that it has received a grant to continue funding for its successful CROWN and PATH program. The program, designed to help foster success both inside and outside of the classroom for students of color, has received a grant in the amount of $249,084 from the Greater Texas Foundation.
CROWN (Creating and Reclaiming Opportunities for Women Nationally) strives to provide guidance and support, forming a positive bond between student body, faculty, and staff that will promote a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus for students to thrive at Texas A&M University-Texarkana. The PATH (Personal Achievement Through Help) program is a mentorship program for men of color and is designed to encourage and support students through guidance and engagement to enhance academic and personal success.
“We are grateful to the Greater Texas Foundation (GTF) for providing funding to enhance our student support services,” said Liz Patterson, TAMUT Assistant Vice President for Student Success. “This funding allows us to provide intrusive mentorship services, career development, financial literacy programming, leadership development, and scholarships for students of color at A&M-Texarkana. With funding from GTF, this program aims to ensure students graduate from A&M-Texarkana, achieve their career goals, and in turn use their education to give back to their community.”
Greater Texas Foundation was founded in 1981 and supports initiatives that increase rates of postsecondary enrollment and completion for all Texas students, with a particular focus on students who may encounter barriers to postsecondary success. “As a foundation focused on supporting Texas students’ postsecondary success, Greater Texas Foundation is honored to provide this grant to Texas A&M Texarkana, an institution clearly focused on creating sustainable ways to support its students. The CROWN and PATH programs are examples of that commitment, and we know these programs will have an important positive impact on students,” said Sue McMillin, President & CEO of Greater Texas Foundation.
“We are so thankful for the support of the Greater Texas Foundation,” said A&M-Texarkana President Dr. Emily Cutrer. “The CROWN and PATH programs at TAMUT do an exceptional job of mentoring students not only in the classroom, but also by cultivating leadership, organizational, and self-management skills. The grant from the Greater Texas Foundation will allow this important work to continue.”
TAMUT students and prospective students who would like to know more about the CROWN and PATH program should contact Liz Patterson, Assistant Vice President for Student Success, at epatterson@tamut.edu.