Lone Star AG Boosters: Longest Running Nonprofit Fair Vendor


Lone Star AG is one of the oldest vendors at the fairgrounds. They began in 1971 as a fundraiser to help raise money for AG scholarships, and although the name has changed throughout the years it has always been associated with students and AG programs. Lone Star AG began as a way to raise money for student scholarships. In order to do that, they started their annual fundraiser at the Four States Fair: selling the biggest and best baked potatoes around!

“We buy the largest potatoes that we can find. We cook and grind up our own brisket, BBQ and ham, and prepare all the condiments that we use to serve. All of the money that we raise each year goes into scholarships for AG. We have even created scholarships for those wanting to continue their education. Many of those who have received scholarships have come out and helped us throughout the years, and many went on to receive scholarships themselves,” said Sherry Powers.

“This year potatoes are $10 for a 5-9 topping potato. If you want ham and or brisket it will be a little bit extra. We are always located at the number one spot, and we are the oldest booth at the Four States Fair! Everyone working for us at the fair are volunteers, and at the end of the fair we have a huge dinner to thank all of our volunteers,” said Sherry. “We love to do this for our community and the students and we hope you will come out and support the Lone Star AG Boosters!” said Sherry.

Lone Star AG will be at the Fair until it ends this weekend. Be sure to pick up one big potato to help support student scholarships in Agriculture!

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