Pleasant Grove ISD to hold Kindergarten Adventure and Registration


Pleasant Grove ISD will host their Kindergarten Adventure and Registration on Thursday, March
28 from 5:00-6:30 p.m. at Pleasant Grove Elementary School. This event gives prospective
parents and students the opportunity to tour Pleasant Grove Elementary School, meet the
kindergarten teachers, tour the kindergarten hallway, and register for kindergarten. To be
eligible for kindergarten, students must be five years old on or before September 1, 2019 and
families must be PGISD residents. Onsite enrollment will be available if families have the
student’s birth certificate, immunization records, guardian’s proof of residency, and a
guardian’s photo ID. Class seats are open through the district’s Limited Open Enrollment Policy.
Parents wishing to enroll through this process may contact campus principals.

Pleasant Grove Elementary is located at 6500 Pleasant Grove Road. They can be reached by calling 903-838-0528.

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