TAMUT and TC Sign Dual Admissions Agreement


DUALADDOctober 24, 2014 | Officials from Texarkana College and Texas A&M University-Texarkana plan to sign an agreement to cooperatively promote successful undergraduate educational experiences for students who attend both institutions. On Tuesday, Oct. 28, during open session of the regular meeting of the Texarkana College Board of Trustees, TC President James Henry Russell and A&M-Texarkana President Dr. Emily Cutrer will present a Dual Admissions Agreement that will establish a partnership between the two institutions. After consideration and approval by TC Board, the DAA will:

  • Enable students to be jointly admitted and enroll concurrently at both institutions.
  • Improve student access, success, and 4-year degree completion.
  • Expand student options for college-level services and curriculum.
  • Improve academic program articulation.
  • Use resources at both institutions more efficiently and effectively.
  • Encourage students to complete an entire Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, Associate of Science, or Certificate Curriculum at TC before transferring to A&M-Texarkana.

TC’s and A&M-Texarkana’s registrar offices will coordinate to manage the DAA between the two institutions. The DAA establishes the terms and responsibility of each institution’s role in recruitment and admissions, tuition and fees, student advising, management of student records, and student grievances and conduct. Financial aid and scholarships will be available for qualified DAA students.

The signing ceremony will be held at 12:30 p.m. in the Texarkana College Truman Arnold Student Center Great Room, 2500 N. Robison Road, Texarkana, Texas.

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