TC Board of Trustees Approve New Tuition and Fees Scale for Fall 2015


Tuesday, March 24, 2015- Texarkana, TexasA new tuition and fees table was introduced today at the Texarkana College Board of Trustees meeting showing a cost that remains in line with the state average for community colleges across Texas and among the lowest of all regional higher education institutions. A semester at Texarkana College will now cost an in-district student an average of $976 in tuition and fees for 12 semester credit hours compared to an average of $940 for the last two years.

“Despite dwindling state funding, Texarkana College is committed to remaining affordable and competitive with tuition and fees allowing students in our region access to higher education that is within their reach,” President James Henry Russell said. “TC is an incredible value for students who want to start their education without accumulating excessive debt. Our seasoned and well-qualified professors are leaders in their field and many are recognized throughout the state and nation as experts in their field.”

Within the last ten years, state appropriations to Texarkana College have declined by close to 30% and more cuts are anticipated. Texas legislators now expect community colleges to raise necessary funds on a local level by adjusting their tuition and fees, expanding their tax base, and obtaining cash donations.

Russell said, “Early indications from the state show that no additional funds are coming our way. We are looking to keep tuition and fees as low as possible to protect our students while keeping a watchful eye on the overall impact reduced state funds have on our operating budget. We remain dedicated to providing the best higher education experience available to students in our area at the lowest cost we can manage. There is no other place like TC in our region where students can come experience a rigorous and fulfilling college experience at such an affordable cost. ”

The new tuition and fees scale goes into effect for students enrolling in Fall 2015. Expanded scholarship opportunities are now available for students and applications are available online. Students may make an appointment to visit with an advisor for guidance in enrollment and financial aid by calling 903-823-3450. Additional information is available on the Texarkana College’s website at

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