Dr. Ken Crane presented a $25,000 check to Texarkana College on behalf of Jo Ann Duman to fund a new endowment.This endowment will fund a new scholarship, the Orval and Doris Bowers Memorial Endowment. The check presentation took place at 2:00 p.m. in the Nelson Administration Building lobby.
Dr. Crane is a Professor at Texarkana College and has worked at Texarkana College for the past eleven years. His mother, Ms. Jo Ann Duman, has been an active volunteer in the Texarkana community. She funded the new endowment in memory of her parents, Orval and Doris Bowers. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers were strong supporters of public education and the family hopes that this endowment will provide others the opportunity to receive a higher education credential.
“We are so grateful to Ms. Duman and Dr. Crane for their commitment to our students. Dr. Crane has an incredible reputation as a faculty member, and we are so grateful for his support of this scholarship. He understands that funding is the main barrier for many of our students and this scholarship will have a big impact,” said Katie Andrus, Director of the Texarkana College Foundation.
For additional information or to make a donation, please contact Katie Andrus at (903) 823-3125 or katie.andrus@texarkanacollege.edu.