Texarkana’s Entertainment District Needs A New Name


Last night the Texarkana, Arkansas City Planning Commission held its fifth workshop and second public forum to finetune details concerning the proposed Entertainment District.

Issues resolved were:

  • Outside adult beverages may not be brought into an establishment under any circumstances
  • A review will be conducted by the City Council in June, then again in January, occurring annually thereafter
  • No special to-go cups will be necessary, and glass bottles of any kind will be forbidden
  • Business owners and the Public Works Department will work together daily, if required, to address any litter issues

For the record, not one word of opposition has been spoken against the proposal at either public forum.

The revised ordinance will be on City Council’s agenda next Monday, the 16th.

So, what do we call this thing?

A logical progressing suggests that if nothing is done “Texarkana’s Entertainment District” will eventually be known as the “E.D.,” and that would be a name synonymous with disappointment. 

After reading several Facebook posts and soliciting suggestions about suitable monikers, a theme has surfaced, Downtown’s connection with the rail. 

Taking this into consideration, a good name might be: The Rail Yard.

Simple, rolls of the tongue, connects to our Heritage and distinguishes a boundary.

Please offer-up any other suggestions. Great names are an organic process. 


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