Texarkana, TX – On Saturday, March 14, Texas A&M University-Texarkana will host the Pi Day Festival and Pi Run 5K. This race is an opportunity for veteran and novice runners to come together and help the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Club raise money to provide scholarships for A&M-Texarkana students majoring in Mathematics of other STEM disciplines.
The festival begins at 11:00am and the race starts at 4:00pm for 3.14 miles. Other events during the festival include:
· Lifeshare Blood Drive – 11:00am-2:45pm
· Photograph – 3:14pm
· Games, music, face painting, food and drinks throughout the day
For more information and registration, contact Stephanie Ringgold at 903-223-1350 or stephanie.ringgold@tamut.edu.