Tom Jones,59, of California, is running 76 consecutive marathons to raise awareness and money for United We Pledge. United We Pledge is working to build a second American Village in St. George, Utah. Tom began his 76 marathons at the American Village in Montevallo, AL in April, and has made his way to Texarkana this weekend. “American Village takes real life replicas of important Revolutionary and Constitutional time buildings, and brings them together in one location. Actors come out to teach the real history of the time, and students get to come together to be immersed completely in the historical experience of our ancestors,” said Janel Hood of United We Pledge. “I have never seen students more immersed or engaged in anything in my life,” said Tom, of his experience seeing students at the American Village in Montevallo, AL.
“What I am doing, and what I am running for is to bring patriotism back to all of us. I feel as though it has been lost in recent years. School’s are teaching different histories than I was afforded growing up, and we are losing touch with what truly makes our history so great. The American Village and United We Pledge is just one impactful way many groups are bringing patriotism back to our youth and back into our communities. I get the fun job of running 76 consecutive marathons to bring awareness to this organization and I am glad to do it,” said Tom.

Tom grew up on the ugly side of the foster care system. His experiences left him running and fighting for his life, all the way through his childhood, and into his adult life as a marine. “I never really felt like I was doing anything purposeful with my life. One day I saw that one of the foster care facilities near me had a desire to build a playground but didn’t have the funds. I thought let me run from Oregon down to California and raise money for the construction of the playground. I didn’t really feel like my life had purpose until the dedication of that playground,” said Tom.
Since his original race, he has run a total of 267 marathons, not including the 76 he is running currently. He has run from California to New York, Canada to Mexico, paddle boarded from Key West to New York, and so much more raising money for other worthy and important causes. “In life you can either be the victim or the victor. A lot of people choose to be the victim in their life circumstances. I didn’t want that for myself. I wanted to be the victor, to come out on top. The most valuable thing we have as humans is our time. How are you going to spend every minute of yours?” asked Tom.
Tom will be available for the public to meet Saturday from 12PM-2PM at Central Mall in Texarkana, TX. He and his United We Pledge American painted car will be inside the mall with the local Daughters of the American Revolution, and his on the road partner and supervisor Ryan Murtha. If you are interested in learning more about Tom Jones and everything he has accomplished you can visit his website QuitProof here. To see him run this weekend, you can watch near Texas A&M Saturday and Sunday early morning from 7AM-11AM and the afternoons from 1-2PM-till 5PM. To donate to United We Pledge to continue to bring patriotism and history back to our children you can donate here at