Texarkana Water Utilities is still recovering from the cyber incident suffered on Sunday, December 6th, 2020. While some effects of the attack are still being felt, good progress is being made.
Today, TWU can begin to process credit/debit card payments. Also effective today, the Texarkana Water Utilities new website https://twu.txkusa.org is online. Functionality is limited, but customers will be able to log in and make a payment with a debit/credit card.
TWU is currently in the process of applying payments to accounts. Previous account balances may display incorrectly until this is complete. You can also use www.payments.txkusa.org to make a payment, by clicking on the “Pay My Bill button”, and entering your name and password in the payment portal. Customers are still encouraged to make an estimated payment until bills can be processed.
Payments may still be sent by mail, processed at the drive-thru window (Mon-Fri, 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.), deposited in drop box in the alley or bill pay may be set up with the customer’s bank. Payments may be made by cash, checks, bank checks and money orders.
Auto draft is not occurring at this time. It is important to note that auto draft payments were not processed for December or January. This means that when the billing process is rectified, those customers could be charged for two months, or however many payments were missed. Please be aware of this issue and make proper arrangements to avoid any overdraft fees.
No shut off notices, late fees or disconnections will occur at this time.
Please contact Customer Service (903) 798 3800 and press option 3 or contact customerservice@txkusa.org if you have any questions. Thank you for your patience!