Some anniversaries are not happy ones and Thursday, November 7th is one of the most somber that Texas observes.
Since November 7, 2000, at least one person has died every single day on Texas roadways. Almost 67,000 people have been killed on Texas roads in the last 19 years. And in 2018 alone, 3,647 people lost their lives on Texas roadways.
To make matters worse, 9 out of 10 of these fatal crashes are preventable. The leading causes of fatalities are Texas motorists’ failure to stay in one lane, speeding, driver inattention, and driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
To stop this streak of daily deaths on streets and highways, TxDOT is launching its #EndTheStreakTX campaign across the Lone Star State and reminding motorists that traffic safety is a shared responsibility.
To decrease the chances of roadway crashes and fatalities, TxDOT reminds drivers to:
- Buckle seat belts – the driver and all passengers need to be buckled.
- Pay attention – put cell phones away and avoid distractions.
- Never drink and drive – drunk driving kills; get a sober ride home.
- Drive the speed limit – obey speed limits and drive slower when weather conditions warrant.