Four years ago this April, owner, Field Walsh, was at his residence when he noticed a suspicious person hiding beneath his vehicle in the driveway. After filming the police pursuing the individual, Field posted the content to social media and began what is now known as TXK Today news.
In 2014, during the first year of commencing the business, Walsh garnered over 1 million views and over twenty-thousand followers to the TXK Today Facebook page. Currently, after 4 years of business, he has managed to acquire over 58,000 followers on Facebook and nearly 800,000 views a month on the website.
Walsh has grown the news coverage, expanding to human interest stories, court reporting, sports, food reviews, business biographies, investigative journalism and more in order to better serve the community, even intermittently posting to LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter.
TXK Today employees are active members of Texarkana as well, sponsoring events and donating services when they can. Walsh and his reporters are also members of non-profit organizations like Texarkana Chamber and Leadership Texarkana.
Walsh and his employees cherish being an asset to the community and value their readers who choose TXK Today for their local news.
“Thank you for 4 great years of success and we look forward to many more.”