Regional water issues top the Texarkana, Texas City Council Monday night with a resolution expressing no confidence in the Sulphur River Basin Authority (SRBA).
Resolution 2015-124 expressing no confidence in the Sulphur River Basin Authority as currently constituted; opposing SRBA’s intent and strategy to be designated as a wholesale water provider; requesting SRBA’s support of the City of Texarkana and Riverbend Water Resource District be the local sponsor of water rights in Lake Wright Patman; inviting SRBA to brief the city council on all matters related to studies of the Sulphur River Basin including Lake Wright Patman.
The council will also have a public hearing for a resolution to support Texarkana and Riverbend as sponsors of Lake Wright Patman water rights.
Resolution No. 2015-119 supporting Riverbend Water Resource District, the City of Texarkana, Texas and surrounding member cities as sponsors of Lake Wright Patman water rights.
Steve Mayo, the cities water liaison, and City Manager John Whitson met with the Corps of Engineers in September and were told that no one had formally asked for Lake Wright Patman water rights. According to Whitson they immediately submitted a letter stating that Texarkana along with Riverbend Water Resources are very interested in those rights remaining with Texarkana and not being given to some outside entity.
Riverbend board member Marshall Wood, Whitson and Mayo attended a Sulphur River Basin Authority meeting in Mt. Pleasant in late October. According to Mayo they have asked SRBA to approve Texarkana and Riverbend as local sponsor of Lake Wright Patman but have received no response.
At the last council meeting SRBA was criticized for allegedly not following Texas open meeting laws and not having Texarkana’s best interest in mind.
“A lot of the water world is done in the shadows,” Mayo told the council. “Like the letter from [SRBA Board President] Mike Russell to the Texas Water Board, the board member didn’t even know he sent it.”
Region D Chair Linda Price and Andrea Williams-McCoy with Ward Timber echoed Mayo’s distrust of SRBA. “I haven’t seen anything thus far that gives me any level of confidence in what they are doing or that they are acting in Texarkana’s best interest,” said Williams-McCoy.
“I could not stand up here and tell the city of Texarkana to have any good faith in this study,” Williams-McCoy told the council.
The council meets at 6:00 p.m. at Texarkana, Texas City Hall.
Also on the agenda:
Council Action Items
- Resolution No. 2015-128 amending the Master Fee List changing the permit fee for outdoor burning (not recreational)
First Briefings
- Resolution No. 2015-122 approving the City’s investment policy.
Public Hearings
- Resolution No. 2015-122 approving the City’s investment policy
- Ordinance No. 2015-111 amending the Code of Ordinances by adopting the National Electrical Code, NEC, 2014 edition, which amends Section 105-159 of the Code.
- Ordinance No. 2015-112 amending the Code of Ordinances by adopting the International Building Code, IBC, 2015 edition, with certain amendments, modifications, deletions, and appendices by amending in their entirety Sections 105-75 and 105-76 of the Code.
- Ordinance No. 2015-113 amending the Code of Ordinances by adopting the International Plumbing Code, IPC, 2015 edition, the International Fuel Gas Code, 2015 edition, and the International Mechanical Code, 2015 edition, each with certain amendments, modifications, deletions, and appendices by amending in their entirety Sections 105-256, 105-257, 105-258 and 105-259 of the Code.
- Ordinance No. 2015-114 amending the Code of Ordinances adopting the International Property Maintenance Code, 2015 edition, with certain amendments, modifications, deletions, and appendices by amending in their entirety Sections 105-356 and 105-357 of the Code.
- Ordinance No. 2015-115 amending the Code of Ordinances by adopting the International Residential Code, 2015 edition, with certain amendments, modifications, deletions, and appendices by amending in their entirety Sections 105-98 and 105-99 of the Code.
- Ordinance No. 2015-116 granting a Specific Use Permit to allow the one additional use of a tattoo studio for the application of permanent cosmetics on Lot 2A, Walsh-Carter Master Tract, located at 5305 Cowhorn Creek Road. Dr. Brent Carmony, applicant. Sandra Azancot, agent.
- Resolution No. 2015-117 authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with A.L. Franks Engineering, Inc. Of Texarkana, Arkansas in an amount not to exceed THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($370,898) for engineering services associated with modifications to the Wagner Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Resolution No. 2015-118 changing the City’s General Election May uniform date to the November uniform date.
- Resolution No. 2015-119 supporting Riverbend Water Resource District, the City of Texarkana, Texas and surrounding member cities as sponsors of Lake Wright Patman water rights.
Second Briefing
- Resolution No. 2015-100 naming the newly constructed street between Shilling Lane and Summerhill Road to University Avenue, renaming the portion of Shilling Lane between University Avenue and the west end of the newly constructed street to University Avenue, and renaming the portion of Shilling Lane from the current east end of University Avenue to the west dead end to Shilling Trail