Leighsa Dalby Bean

June 26, 1957 - February 28, 2021


Leighsa Dalby Bean of Texarkana, Texas was born in Texarkana, TX, June 26, 1956 and died February 27, 2021 in Tyler, TX.

She is survived by her mother Martha (Moseley) Bean of Hooks, TX, 3 brothers, William P. Bean, Jr. (Bo) of Texarkana, TX; John Moseley Bean (Jay) and wife, Jennifer of Longview, TX; Mark Van Bean of Mena, AR and 2 nieces, Hayden Bean of Shreveport and Allison Bean of Longview.

She was preceded in death by her father, William P. Bean, Sr. (Bill), in 2018.

Leighsa is a long-time member of St. James’ Episcopal Church; completing the 4-year EFM class; helped develop and teach the First Communion Class for 15 years, taught Sunday School, a member of the Altar Guild and anything else that needed to be done!
She was a former president of the YWCA; a member of the Girl Scouts for 11 years, attaining the rank of 1st Class, a trainer for leaders and former president of Connifer Council Girl Scouts.
Leighsa graduated from Texas High School in 1975, proudly serving in the Tiger band and graduated from Texarkana College.
She was a partner in John Moseley’s Office Supplies and Machines and worked at Firmin’s Office Supply.

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