Donations Needed for Thanksgiving Lunch to Area Homeless and Less Fortunate at Randy Sams Outreach Shelter

Scheduled for Thanksgiving Day at 11:00 at Randy Sams Outreach Shelter


Randy Sams Outreach Shelter needs food, paper products, cold weather clothing, and financial donations to provide needed items at our luncheon on Thanksgiving Day to the area homeless and less fortunate. Please contact Lori, our Kitchen Manager, at 903-792-7024 if you plan to bring any food items.

Donations are accepted at the shelter 24/7 at 402 Oak St. downtown. Monetary donations can be mailed to 803 Spruce St, Texarkana, TX or donated online at We appreciate any help the public can provide to ensure we effectively meet the need this Thanksgiving!

Food/Drink/Paper Goods:
French dried onions
Cream of mushroom soup
Green bean casserole
Sweet potato casserole
Salad and salad dressings
Dressing (cornbread and stuffing)
Macaroni and cheese
Fruit cocktails
Broccoli rice and cheese Casserole
Cans and bottles of Soda and Water
Plastic or Styrofoam Cups
Paper plates
To-go Containers
Trash bags (45-55 Gallon)
Hand sanitizer/masks

Clothing Items (for 70% men):
Coats, scarves, hats, shoes, gloves, socks, and new underwear

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