If you are a parent or guardian of children in the Texarkana area such as myself, you are probably used to seeing flyers come home in your students folders about the local Cub Scouts recruiting your students to sign-up. If you’ve been on the fence, or have no idea what the Caddo Area Council has to offer our local students, we spoke to Janice Richardson, Development Director/ Office Manger and Zoe Nakashian, District Executive of the local Caddo Area Council for more information on the benefits of enrolling your students in Cub Scout, for boys and girls Kindergarten to 5th grade.
When parents sign their students up for Scouts, they are signing their kiddos up for much more than just fun and school night adventures. In fact, students who sign up as Cubs and work their way through the packs will learn about first aid training, camping and outdoor skills, and so much more. Students who make it to Eagle Scouts have the opportunity to graduate and join the military at higher ranks, as well as having the opportunity to receive numerous scholarships for College. The benefits of joining scouts is lifelong and numerous.
“We are number one in the nation in recruitment. We have seen a significant increase of students joining Scouts, with positive growth over the last four years,” said Janice. Parents who are on the fence because of financial struggles can apply for financial assistance through the Caddo Area Council. Those needing assistance can fill out a form online or in person at the Caddo Area Council at anytime throughout the year. The normal fee for the year to have your students participate in Scouts has been prorated to $49.00.
Some of the upcoming events that parents, guardians and students can look forward to are Cub Fun Day which will be held on October 2nd, and Candy Camp which will take place October 22nd-October 23rd. To register for those events you can click here. While meetings take place usually once a week for packs, students throughout the summer can enjoy numerous camps that include archery, camping trips and more. These experiences are some of the best ways for students and children in our area to gain independence and learn lifelong skills.
To learn more about Cub and Scout Troops in the Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas area please visit the Caddo Area Council Website. For more information about registration and events you can visit the Caddo Area Council Website, or visit in person at 24 Lynnwood Drive, Texarkana, TX. Located conveniently near Spring Lake Park. To reach the Caddo Area Council you can call (903) 793-2179. Sign-up for packs and troops is ongoing throughout the year.