For the Sake of One will Host it’s Second ‘Be Bold’ Recruitment Event


For the Sake of One will be hosting their second Be Bold recruitment event for community members on Tuesday, August 27 at Hickory Hill Baptist Church (298 Cantrell St, Nash, TX) at 6:00 PM. The purpose of this event is to help everyone find their fit and make a difference. Attendees will learn about fostering, adoption, mentoring, and other ways to serve vulnerable kids and families, as well as have an opportunity to meet the organizations and agencies that can help them get started.

Dinner will be provided by Chick-fil-A Texarkana-Richmond Road, and a panel of those involved in the foster/adopt community will share their stories. Thank you so much to Chick-fil-A on Richmond Road for donating the food for this event.

At Be Bold, For the Sake of One will share information, but they will not force attendees to sign up for anything. Currently, there are 41 kids in foster care from Bowie County with only 8 open foster homes, and 11 in foster care from Cass County with only 5 open foster homes. In Miller County, there are currently 99 children in foster care with only 16 open foster homes, and 38 children in foster care in Little River County with only 8 open foster homes. That means that currently there are 189 kids in foster care in the counties we serve and only 37 homes. There is a desperate need for more community members to hear this information and respond to help struggling families and children, whether that is through fostering or volunteering to support these families.

Community members must sign up to attend this free event at Children are welcome, but please sign up for a separate ticket for them if they will eat so we have enough food.

For the Sake of One is a local non-profit whose vision is a community where every child has a stable home, and every family has the tools to thrive. Their mission is to share God’s love with local children and families before, during, and after foster care by walking alongside them on their healing journey. They do this through their core programs of CarePortal, Building Healthy Families, Supporting Caseworkers, Supporting Foster/Adopt/Kinship Caregivers, and Supervised Visitation.

For the Sake of One encourages any citizen interested in making a difference in the foster care community to contact them via phone (903-329-0566) or email ( You can also visit their website at

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