Hooks Man Accused Of Solicitation, Sexual Assault of Child


HOOKS, Texas–A Hooks man accused of paying for sex with a 16-year-old girl was formally charged last month with two felonies in Bowie County, solicitation of prostitution from a person under 18 and sexual assault of a child.

Anish Neupane, 25, has been in custody with bail set at $175,000 since his arrest Dec. 23 at an apartment complex in Hooks, court records show. Neupane allegedly paid $240 to a 16-year-old girl for sex, according to a probable cause affidavit.

Police were called on the afternoon of Dec. 23 to a unit at the Mockingbird Apartments on Ave. A in Hooks in reference to a disturbance involving a firearm. Neupane reportedly told police that he had been spending time with a female earlier in the day before a man with a gun came to his apartment and demanded $500.

Neupane allegedly denied having sex with the female but later admitted that he had, allegedly claiming that the $240 he gave her was a gift. Officers spotted a teen girl walking nearby and questioned her. She allegedly reported that she was paid $240 after being sexually assaulted by Neupane.

Jamaline Johnson, an alleged friend of the girl’s, was arrested Dec. 23 at the apartment complex, as well. Johnson has been charged with robbery for allegedly threatening Neupane with a gun and demanding that he pay the girl $500, according to court records.

Neupane faces two to 20 years in prison if convicted of solicitation or sexual assault of a child. His case has been assigned to 202nd District Judge John Tidwell.

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